Posted: January 26th, 2017 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances, Dental, Digital Health, Medical, Telehealth | Tags: e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing 101, e-Prescribing Basics, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Integration Platforms, e-Prescribing Software, EHR, Electronic Health Record, Electronic Medical Record, EMR, EPCS, Health Care Software, Health Care Software Companies, Practice Management Software, surescripts | No Comments »

Another year has come and gone. Time to start fresh, gain new perspective, and bring it back to basics. e-Prescribing basics, that is.
During our reflection on 2016, the DoseSpot realized that there’s so much information out there regarding e-Prescribing and its different components; so many key opinion leaders and incredible resources to tap into to help educate the world about e-Prescribing. However, how could we make it easier? How can we assist those who just want to learn more about e-Prescribing in general without the endless Google searches?
That’s why we decided to create a three-part blog series covering all e-Prescribing basics; a one-stop-shop to answer all of your e-Prescribing questions and curiosities.
We can promise you this – this is one New Year’s resolution we won’t give up on.
Let’s get started.
What is e-Prescribing?
The term e-Prescribing has become a popular buzzword in the healthcare industry, but what exactly does it mean? To put it simply, electronic prescribing, known in short as e-Prescribing, is a method of prescription transaction that allows prescribers to write and send prescriptions to pharmacies electronically instead of writing, phoning-in, or faxing. It ultimately replaces the costly paper prescription pad and tamper-proof printing paper from a prescriber’s office for good.
e-Prescribing solutions have the following capabilities:
- NewRx: Route new prescriptions to the patient’s pharmacy of choice.
- Refills: Receive prescription renewal requests and submit responses between doctor and pharmacy.
- Medication History: View aggregated medication history data from pharmacies and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) upon receipt of patient consent.
- Prescription Benefit: Surescripts’ Prescription Benefit service puts eligibility, benefits and formulary information at a prescriber’s fingertips at the time of prescribing. This enables prescribers to select medications that are on formulary and are covered by the patient’s drug benefit.
- Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS): Product has achieved Surescripts EPCS certification and has provided third-party audit documentation as required by the DEA.
What are the benefits?
e-Prescribing is not just the ability to send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies. It can also increase care quality in a number of ways:
- Eliminates the time and effort of trying to understand the prescriber’s handwriting, as well as the chance of an error in that translation.
- Makes sure that the prescriber is providing enough specific information for the pharmacist to fill the prescription, including the name of the drug, the dosage, its physical form, the route, and the prescriber’s instructions.
- Ensures that any drug-drug and drug-allergy interactions based on a patient’s medication history are found and reported to the prescriber before the prescription order is completed.
- Checks a patient’s pharmacy benefit and associated formulary at point of care to encourage the prescriber to choose the best medication option, both medically and financially.
- Increases patient medication pick-up adherence. Between 28% and 31% of all paper prescriptions either never make it to the pharmacy, or are not picked up once patients see how much it will cost.
- Drives down healthcare costs and improves patient satisfaction by getting medications to patients in a timely, convenient, and secure manner at the patient’s pharmacy of choice.
- Curbs prescription drug abuse and increases patient safety. No longer will a patient have access to a paper prescription, therefore no more altered dispense quantities, stolen prescription pads, or lost or duplicate prescriptions.
- Lowers costs associated with purchasing expensive paper prescription pads and the time and resources spent on redundant administrative tasks.
- Simplifies clinical workflows and allows prescribers to do what they do best and spend more time with their patients.
Who can e-Prescribe?
State or provincial legislation governs who can write a prescription, and under these rulings, any licensed physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, etc. allowed to write prescriptions by hand can also prescribe electronically.
Many electronic prescribing vendors also allow the use of proxy users, such as nurses, medical assistants, or office staff. While they cannot legally send a prescription to a pharmacy, they are able to access the e-Prescribing solution and fill in all required fields of the prescription for a prescriber to then approve and send.
What pharmacies allow e-Prescribing?
All 50 states and D.C. allow the e-Prescribing of both controlled and non-controlled substances and more than 90% of pharmacies can receive e-Prescriptions. Of course this includes the larger retail pharmacy chains such as CVS and Walgreens and mail-order pharmacies like Catamaran and Express Scripts.
Don’t miss the other parts of our e-Prescribing 101 series:
e-Prescribing 101, Part II: Controlled Substances
e-Prescribing 101, Part III: End Users
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: January 23rd, 2017 | Author: DoseSpot | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances | Tags: CMS, Controlled Substances, DEA, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, EPCS, health IT, healthcare IT, Maine State Mandate, meaningful use, Opioid Epidemic, State Mandates, surescripts | No Comments »

Navigating the waters of e-Prescribing can seem like a very daunting task considering the various state and federal regulations. To assist you in understanding, let’s review the information relative to e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) in all 50 states and how your state is measuring up.
Until recently, one-half of all U.S. States prohibited e-Prescribing of controlled substances. The thought was that paper prescriptions were safer and more secure. On September 15, 2015, however, Vermont became the last state to allow electronic prescribing of controlled substances, or Schedule II-V medications, making this process legal in all 50 U.S. states.
“We certainly believe that because of the enhanced security associated with e-Prescribing of controlled substances, the opportunity for abuse, misuse, and fraudulent activity is going to be dramatically reduced,” said Ken Whittemore, BSPharm, MBA, Senior Vice President of Professional and Regulatory Affairs at Surescriptsâ„¢, a nationwide health information network.
With this process now legal in all 50 states, and the safer option at that, it may be surprising to find that as of the most recent data available, only 7% of prescribers are sending controlled substances on the Surescripts network.
So, why the discrepancy? Are pharmacies not accepting electronic prescriptions? Are prescribers not able, or willing, to send these prescriptions electronically? Is this process too difficult? Why is this process used in some states so heavily, but so infrequently in others?
Pharmacies are ready!
In 2010, the DEA published a final ruling giving not only practitioners the option to write controlled substances electronically, but also for pharmacies to receive, dispense, and archive electronic prescriptions.
“It became incumbent upon a number of stakeholder groups in the pharmacy industry to tackle the issue and bring states into alignment with the DEA’s rule,” Ken Whittemore, BSPharm, MBA told Pharmacy Today.
Many pharmacy stakeholder groups, including APhA, the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA), the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, and Surescripts, worked together over a 5-year period to rework some state laws, a process that can take a long time. Between 2010 and 2015, the pharmacy end of the spectrum worked hard on adoption and enablement, while prescriber enablement trailed. Using data from Surescripts, a study published in the January 2015 American Journal of Managed Care found that pharmacies with technology in place to accept e-Prescriptions for controlled substances increased from 13% in 2012 to 30% in 2013. By contrast, only 1% of all prescribers were capable of e-Prescribing controlled substances in 2013.
However, between 2012 and 2013, the number of e-Prescriptions for controlled substances grew dramatically from 1,535 to 52,423. Talk about a rapid jump!
According to the 2015Â Surescripts National Progress Report, an average of 81% of pharmacies were enabled for EPCS in 2015. States including Hawaii and Mississippi were at the bottom of this list with less than 70% of pharmacies enabled, while states in the Northeast such as Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island led this list with over 90% of pharmacies enabled for EPCS.
As of December 1, 2016, these numbers have only risen, with both Hawaii and Mississippi now having over 75% of pharmacies enabled. New York and Maine lead the race on that front with 96.8% and 95.2% of pharmacies enabled currently. This is in large part due to the state mandates put into place in 2016 and 2017, respectfully.
How about the prescribers?
With so many pharmacies enabled for EPCS, and legislature allowing this process in all 50 states, it may be surprising to know that an average of 3.39% of prescribers were enabled to e-Prescribe controlled substances according to the 2015 Surescripts National Progress Report.
Lengthy and time-consuming software auditing and prescriber identity proofing processes are likely factors that have stalled prescriber adoption of EPCS, but for pharmacists, the initial setup is much easier. In addition, there have not been enough incentive for prescribers to adopt EPCS.
e-Prescribing was a requirement under the federal Meaningful Use Electronic Health Record (EHR) program, which incentivizes the use of EHRs through financial payments. However, e-Prescribing of controlled substances was specifically exempted from Meaningful Use Stages 1, 2, and 3. For these reasons, it isn’t surprising that in 2015 the state with the highest number of prescribers enabled was New York, as that was one of the only states with an e-Prescribing state mandate in effect at that time.
In 2015, New York had 26.6% of their prescribers enabled for EPCS, with Nebraska not far behind at 15%. Fast forward to December 1, 2016 and prescriber enablement has grown tremendously in some states, but remain dismally low in others. New York now has 71.5% of prescribers enabled, with no other state having even one-third of their prescribers enabled for EPCS. In fact, the average percentage for EPCS enabled prescribers remains even as of December 1, 2016, at only 8.4% despite all of the benefits of EPCS.
Why are these numbers so varied?
Electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) reduces fraud and keeps patients from getting multiple prescriptions for the same drug, so why are some states seeing major buy-in while other states are lagging? Much of this is impacted by states that have legislation in place to either require or reinforce the use of e-Prescribing, as outlined below.
Minnesota was the first state to implement an e-Prescribing mandate in 2008 in order to improve quality outcomes and efficiency in health care. The state mandate required prescribers, pharmacists, pharmacies, and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to be up and running with e-Prescribing by January 1, 2011, however, only 13% of prescribers are actually enabled for EPCS as of late. Could this be because legislation doesn’t enforce its own law or penalize prescribers for not adhering to this legislature? Marty LaVenture, director of the Minnesota Office of Health IT and e-Health, seems to agree and notes, “policy levers could be used to encourage full adoption and use of e-Prescribing capabilities.”
New York
As you may already know, New York was the first state to require e-Prescribing of all prescriptions, both controlled and non-controlled, and the first to implement penalties for failing to adhere to this ruling. Penalties include, but are not limited to, loss of license, civil penalties, and/or criminal charges. With the highest rate of prescriber EPCS enablement, it’s evident that New York prescribers are taking this quite seriously.
Maine is the next state to implement an e-Prescribing regulation as of July 1, 2017 where all opioids prescriptions must be sent electronically. With only 0.6% of prescribers enabled for EPCS in the state according to the Surescripts report, and up to 2.9% as of the beginning of December 2016, it’s clear that Maine has a long way to go for all prescribers to be ready to follow this regulation.
In Summary
Although it’s legal in all 50 states, and there are many reasons EPCS is safer than on paper or another method, there is still a great discrepancy between EPCS enabled pharmacies and EPCS enabled prescribers due in part to the strict requirements put in place on the prescribers. While the statistics referenced here show that provider adoption of EPCS is still low in comparison to the pharmacy adoption we have seen, it’s important to remember that the e-Prescribing of non-controlled substances also took years to reach the level we now see today. It seems the only tried and true way for these numbers to rise quickly and meet the numbers we currently see for pharmacy enablement is to implement regulations and penalties for not adhering to this requirement as outlined in the above state mandates. All eyes are now on Maine to see how their journey goes.
Check out the maps below to see how your state measures up!
Author: Lindsey W.
Sources: American Pharmacists Association; USA Today; Surescripts 2015 National Progress Report; Surescripts EPCS; Minnesota Department of Health; Maine Medical Association; e-Prescribing Blog; CMS
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management, and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing to more than 150 health care software companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: November 28th, 2016 | Author: DoseSpot | Filed under: Controlled Substances, In the News, Public Policy | Tags: Controlled Substances, DEA, Dental e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Maine Mandate, EPCS, Healthcare Software, Maine Controlled Substance Act, Maine Controlled Substance Prescription Requirements, Maine Dose of Reality, Maine e-Prescribing Law, Maine e-Prescribing Legislation, Maine e-Prescribing Mandate, Maine e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances, Maine EPCS, Maine Opioid Law, Maine State Mandate, Mandatory e-Prescribing, Mandatory Electronic Prescribing, Opioid Epidemic, Opioids, Prescription Monitoring Program, State Mandates | No Comments »
Maine is well known for its rocky coastline, iconic lighthouses, sandy beaches, and lobster shacks. However, past the classic scenery is where you’ll find the state dealing with a crisis that others across the United States are also experiencing: the opioid epidemic.
In 2015, Maine suffered an astounding 272 drug overdose deaths, following 208 deaths of the same cause in 2014. Sadly, there is no end in sight. Maine’s Attorney General Janet Mills declared that drug overdose deaths are up 50% in 2016, with the first 6 months of the year experiencing 189 drug overdose deaths alone. What’s worse, the number of overdose-related deaths in 2016 is expected to reach a new record, surpassing those numbers of 2014 and 2015.

“Heroin addiction is devastating our communities,†Maine Governor Paul LePage said in a statement. “For many, it all started with the overprescribing of opioid pain medication.â€
As a state with the largest number of patients per capita on prescription for long-acting opioids, the news that prescribed pain medication is further fueling opioid addiction is unsettling.
This is why Maine has decided to take action.
Maine’s new statue, “An Act to Prevent Opiate Abuse by Strengthening the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program,†entails a number of rules and regulations designed to reduce the harm of over-prescribing opioids relative to the abuse and misuse of such substances. This bill, signed into law by Governor LePage, mandates a number of changes for doctors and dentists who prescribe controlled substances in Maine.
[Read: The Maine Mandate – Confronting Controlled Substances Head-On]
What changes will be implemented?
Dosing and Duration of Schedule II Medications
First, this law imposes limitations on the medication dosage, as well as the duration of a prescription, that can be prescribed to a patient. According to Gordon Smith, JD, Executive Vice President of Maine Medical Association (MMA), the original bill limited opioid prescriptions to three days for acute pain and fifteen days for chronic pain. However, this legislation will now mandate a limit of seven days for acute pain and thirty days for chronic pain on opioid prescriptions. This law goes in to effect January 1, 2017.
In terms of dosing, prescribers may not prescribe any combination of opioid medication in an aggregate amount of more than 100 Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MMEs) per day to new opioid patients (after July 29, 2016). Existing opioid patients with active prescriptions in excess of 100 MMEs per day are referred to as “Legacy Patients†and prescribers may not prescribe any combination of opioid medication in an aggregate amount of more than 300 MMEs per day from July 29, 2016 to July 1, 2017.
Prescription Monitoring Program
Maine prescribers are required to query the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) database prior to prescribing opiates. Although this requirement has been in place since 2005, surveys indicate that only 7-20% of Maine prescribers currently utilize the state’s PMP.
The purpose of checking this central state database is to identify patients who may be doctor shopping and minimize multiple controlled substance prescriptions for one patient. This aligns with the state’s hope of empowering healthcare providers to recognize potential substance abuse and treat patients accordingly.
PMP’s can also be most effective when linked with an e-Prescribing solution. Working together, e-Prescribing eliminates the need for paper prescriptions, thus reducing the risk of altered dispense quantities, stolen prescriptions or prescription pads, and the reselling of such prescriptions before they’re filled as a means of lessening the red flags if a patient is doctor shopping.
[Read: The Link Between PDMP’s and e-Prescribing]
Continuing Education
Via this statute, prescribers must complete three hours of continuing education every two years as a condition of prescribing opioid medications. This specific addiction training is only required if a prescriber wishes to continue prescribing opioids.
Electronic Prescribing
All opioid prescriptions must be sent electronically as of July 1, 2017.
What exceptions are part of this mandate?
The Maine Medical Association (MMA) confirms that exceptions from the law’s provisions may be granted for the following:
- Cancer Patients
- Hospice Care
- End-of-Life Care
- Palliative Care
- Patients on Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT)
- Patients receiving medication in hospitals and nursing homes
The MMA is currently seeking an exception for burn victims as well.
Due to the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution, federal law takes priority over state law, therefore prescribers within the Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) cannot be regulated by this type of legislation so long as the medication is dispensed at a VA pharmacy. Furthermore, dosage and duration limits would not apply to a prescription written for a veteran by a prescriber outside of the VA system if the prescription were filled in a VA pharmacy.
How does this bill measure up?
With this bill, Maine becomes the third state behind Minnesota and New York to require e-Prescribing and the second to require the electronic sending of a controlled substance after New York imposed a similar mandate in March of 2016. Since the implementation of New York’s mandate, total numbers of opioid analgesics prescribed fell by 78% within the first four months.
Important dates to remember:
Prescribers may not prescribe any combination of opioid medication in an aggregate amount of more than 100 Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MMEs) per day to new opioid patients |
7/29/2016 – 7/1/2017
Prescribers may not prescribe any combination of opioid medication in an aggregate amount of more than 300 MMEs per day to “Legacy Patients†|
Duration limitation goes into effect. All opioid prescriptions cannot exceed seven days for acute pain or thirty days for chronic pain. |
7/1/2017 |
All opioid prescriptions must be sent electronically |
Lastly, as part of the state’s strategy, Maine has launched Dose of Reality, a website to help educate and inform their citizens of the dangers of painkillers and where to turn for help.
Author: Lindsey W.
Sources:Â Maine Medical Association;; Medscape; WCSH6; Bangor Daily News
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: November 8th, 2016 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances, Dental | Tags: Controlled Substances, DEA, Dental, Dental e-Prescribing, dental practice management, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Software, electronic prescribing, EPCS, health IT, healthcare IT, Healthcare Software, healthIT, Opioid Epidemic, Opioids, Patient Engagement, technology, trends, Value Based Care | No Comments »

Unfortunately, the opioid epidemic that is currently grappling the United States isn’t exactly news. Headlines appear on a daily basis in regards to this addiction, the overdoses and fatalities, as well as the healthcare community’s contribution to this crisis, both the good and the bad.
We’ve seen Congress, the Surgeon General, and many other organizations make extreme efforts to combat this crisis, yet despite the widespread media attention, many healthcare professionals still don’t realize how dangerous the drugs can be or how addictive they are.
DoseSpot recently conducted a live webinar in an effort to educate and discuss the critical role that dentists in particular play in mitigating the current opioid epidemic that is upon us and during that time, the following crucial points were made:
The blame game needs to stop
Blaming others only diverts the necessary action of collectively coming together as a nation, regardless of one’s associated industry. Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Politics – there needs to be a strong, unified foundation for which we can assemble and fight this battle together.
Break the habit: prescribing patterns of pain medication
Dentists serve a unique role in overcoming this epidemic due to the nature of their work and the procedures they perform, specifically wisdom teeth extraction. It’s a fair statement that the majority do not enter the healthcare industry with ill intent of harming their patients, yet it’s also fair to say that lack of proper education and prior pharmaceutical marketing tactics have fueled poor prescribing patterns. In order to change one’s behavior, programmed thoughts and approaches must be reevaluated.
Opioid addiction does not discriminate
This addiction can affect anyone regardless of one’s socioeconomic status or in some cases, a person’s relationship to their dentist. What DoseSpot coins as “The Insider Threat,” we reveal how certain folks pose a potential risk relative to obtaining controlled substances, both knowingly and secretively. Stories of addiction that are shared during our recent webinar further prove that opioids do not discriminate.
Solutions are available
The truth of the matter is, there is not one single solution that can work independently. It needs to be a collective effort and innovation is critical to success. There needs to be multifaceted solutions to tackle this complex problem ranging from increasing specialty training and education to proper treatment technology, data, and analytics.
To learn more on dentistry’s role in the opioid epidemic, watch the full webinar here.
Greg Waldstreicher, CEO, DoseSpot
Dr. John Zweig, Chief Dental Officer, Dental Associates
Donald Whamond, Chief Technology Officer, Dental Associates
Jason Wolan, Director of EHR Implementation, Great Expressions Dental Centers
Daniel Smelter, Director of Business Analysis, Benevis, Inc.
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: October 6th, 2016 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Controlled Substances, Digital Health, Telehealth | Tags: behavioral health, Care Coordination, Controlled Substances, DEA, Dental e-Prescribing, digital health, DoseSpot, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Software, EHR, EHR software, EPCS, Geriatric Care, Geriatrics, health IT, healthcare IT, Healthcare Software, healthIT, meaningful use, medication adherence, Opioid Epidemic, Opioids, Patient Engagement, technology, telehealth, telemedicine, trends, Value Based Care | No Comments »

It’s no surprise that technology should be considered a key player as we shift to value-based care. With smartphones, tablets and computers, health information is readily available for patients with a simple click of a button. Why should a consultation with a healthcare professional be any different?
Telehealth greatly increases the scope of the healthcare industry and is bound to open huge opportunities in increasing the quality of healthcare. The ultimate goal here, is to prevent hospital readmissions through better management of individuals with chronic conditions, while also reducing associated costs. By enabling remote patient monitoring and remote access to clinicians, market growth is inevitable as awareness and implementation of standards for reimbursement and adoptions of these care models expands.
While several reports claim that “technology gets in the way of the patient experience,†patients are in fact the ones demanding such access to care. This increase in patient demand for telehealth services has prompted many companies and healthcare organizations to think outside of the box and reevaluate the patient-centric model, while questioning what that care model really means to a patient.
Well, it’s simple. Patients want a customized, cost-effective and convenient healthcare experience to which telehealth can provide.
A recent report states that the global telehealth market was valued at $14.3 Billion in 2014 and is estimated to reach $36.3 Billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 14.30% from 2014 to 2020.
With these numbers in tow, we predict the most growth in three different segments:
Behavioral Health and Addiction
As mentioned in a previous post, telehealth has the ability to bridge the gaps in care of behavioral health patients and providers. Not only does it provide a convenient, more comfortable and less expensive medical consultation, but it broadens accessibility to patients whom may not have many options when seeking a behavioral health provider, especially in rural areas. Unfortunately, the lack of psychiatrists and addiction specialists across the nation, as well as the stigma often involved, are contributing to the mental health and addiction issues and creating barriers to appropriate care.
Patients will see their primary care physician and may not receive the exact treatment plan that they need; after all, primary care physicians do not specialize in behavioral health or addiction and often, these illnesses require a lot of time and patience to which the physician may not be able to accommodate. Telehealth will be able to connect patients in need with specialists regardless of their location who know how to treat these specific health issues.
This effective care model will not only lessen the hit on the nation’s bottom line as more and more individuals grapple with suicide, addiction, and other mental health issues, but also revolutionize the way people view the stigma involved and encourage patients to seek help as they are able to receive treatment from the comfort of their own home.
Geriatric Care
Geriatric patients stand to benefit tremendously as a digital health consumer. As mobility can be especially difficult for these patients, the ability to see a physician remotely removes one of the largest barriers to care. Furthermore, transporting patients of this age may potentially do more harm than good.
With telemedicine, providers can more quickly spot at-risk patients and provide interventions to avoid an otherwise unnecessary hospital admission. Similarly, nursing homes can partner with health systems to provide bedside care for their residents at a fraction of the price of an onsite physician.
These infrastructure synergies provide connectivity with electronic health records (EHRs) and create clear communication among hospitals, senior care facilities, referring physicians and patient families. They also provide the link to population based management databases and other health care analytic functions to measure value.
Many surgical departments find telehealth to be a more convenient and cost-effective way for pre- and post- operative instructions for procedures of all magnitudes including wisdom teeth extraction, colonoscopies, stent placement and more.
With in-person visits and paper instructions, patients may misinterpret or even forget important information relative to their surgery. This includes what medications to stop taking and how to physically prepare for surgery, while providing a clear, direct line of answers for any questions a patient may have. With instructions digitally delivered prior to surgery, telehealth reduces patient no shows and saves valuable scheduled operating room time.
For post-op patients, providers can check the patient visually, ensuring that patients are following their treatment plans and making adjustments as needed. Through this continuous connection, providers are empowered to deliver the guidance that many patients need as they go through the healing process. These virtual check-ins ensure the patient is on the road to recovery, thus reducing readmission rates all without the patient ever having to leave their home.
Furthermore, telehealth can improve treatment and medication compliance, specifically with controlled substances, i.e. pain medication. Opioid addiction often begins at the hands of a prescriber and with the nation currently facing an opioid epidemic, marrying technology and follow-up appointments when prescribing these types of medications serves as the optimal solution for the safety of all involved.
Technology should no longer be viewed as a barrier to care, but rather embraced in order to improve the healthcare industry, including the improvement of interoperability as well as patient outcomes. Telehealth not only meets the ever increasing demands of patients, but it also assists in preventative care by creating greater access to such care, thus reducing down-the-road costs and burdensome associated with chronic disease. With many chronic diseases being completely preventable, the prevent vs. treat mantra should be sound in every healthcare professional’s mind, while realizing that telehealth is a seamless way of delivering healthcare for all involved.
There may currently be barriers in place regarding reimbursement from payers, but that’s sure to change as more and more payers jump on board for this new delivery model. After all, who’s to say telehealth won’t become the norm and be known as simply….health?
Sources:Â American Well; OpenPR; mHealth Intelligence; Healthcare IT News
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: September 13th, 2016 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances, Dental | Tags: Controlled Substances, DEA, Dental, Dental e-Prescribing, dental practice management, DoseSpot, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Software, EPCS, health IT, healthcare IT, Healthcare Software, healthIT, Opioid Epidemic, Opioids, Oral Health, Patient Engagement | No Comments »

Dental Associates, a leading family group dental practice managing 14 dental clinics and over 100 dentists in Wisconsin, has realized clinical efficiencies and increased patient satisfaction since their launch of DoseSpot’s e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) solution in March of 2015.
Prior to the launch of DoseSpot’s e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances solutions, Dental Associates had deployed e-Prescribing software, but their dentists could only transmit non-controlled prescriptions electronically. As such, dentists wasted time electronically prescribing antibiotics and subsequently printing controlled substance prescriptions. DoseSpot now marries the two and gives Dental Associates’ dentists the ability to streamline care, spend more time with patients and discontinue the use of costly prescription printers and the associated tamper proof prescription paper.
Click here to learn how your company can simplify clinical workflows with e-Prescribing!
“We understand that healthcare technology is shifting and remaining innovative is in Dental Associates’ best interest. Our dentists find DoseSpot to be top-notch and they’re now able to spend more time with their patients rather than running back and forth between the patient’s chair and the prescription printer,†commented Donald Whamond, Chief Technology Officer, Dental Associates. “Printing prescriptions was not only wasting time and money, but also taking valuable time away from the provider-patient relationship.â€
Dental Associates chose DoseSpot as its e-Prescribing partner due to DoseSpot’s unique boutique-style approach to customer service, the ease of e-Prescribing controlled and non-controlled prescriptions, and to enhance the overall security measures surrounding the prescription writing process within Dental Associates’ clinics.
“DoseSpot has made writing prescriptions easier and less time consuming. With the development of my prescription favorites list, it is easy for my staff and I to build a prescription and even change it if need be. Once the prescription is built, it is simple to select and send the prescription to the pharmacy. Life is good with DoseSpot!†said Dr. John Zweig, Chief Dental Officer, Dental Associates.
Register today for our free webinar addressing dentistry and the opioid epidemic on 9/22!
Dental Associates also wanted to stay ahead of the IT curve which in turn has allowed the company to better recruit and attract new dentists.
“Dental Associates prides itself on the patient-centric care model, therefore our patients’ well-being is of utmost priority and DoseSpot simply aligns with our company values,†Whamond added. “We can call any DoseSpot team member at any time and know they will answer right away. That includes Greg Waldstreicher, CEO, DoseSpot.â€
“Like Dental Associates, DoseSpot is committed to offering innovative solutions to the dental market and we put our partners first in everything we do,†said Greg Waldstreicher. “To have the opportunity to deliver a comprehensive, personalized, and integrated platform for Dental Associates is a homerun for both parties.â€
Simplify clinical workflows and improve patient outcomes with DoseSpot e-Prescribing integration for both controlled and non-controlled prescriptions. Schedule your free demo today at or contact Shauna Leighton,
About Dental Associates
Founded in 1973, Dental Associates is Wisconsin’s largest family-owned dental group practice with multiple clinics throughout the state and nearly 800 staff members. Dental Associates provides complete family dental services, both general and specialty dentistry, under one roof, from pediatric dentistry to specialized dental services for older adults with a focus on excellent care that is affordable, accessible and personalized. For additional information please visit
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts™ certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: September 7th, 2016 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances, Dental | Tags: Controlled Substances, Dental, Dental e-Prescribing, dental practice management, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Software, electronic prescribing, EPCS, health IT, Opioid, Opioid Epidemic | No Comments »

In recognition of Pain Awareness Month, DoseSpot will be hosting a live webinar to discuss:
- Our nation’s current opioid epidemic by the numbers
- Dentists’ roles regarding prescribing habits and how they can help steer the path to change
- The face of addiction: understanding how prescription opioids from a dentist can fuel a painful, and often fatal, battle for patients
- The path ahead including state mandates, PDMPs, e-Prescribing, and other helpful tools to properly educate and promote safe prescribing habits within dental practices
Greg Waldstreicher, CEO, DoseSpot
Dr. John Zweig, Chief Dental Officer, Dental Associates
Donald Whamond, Chief Technology Officer, Dental Associates
Jason Wolan, Director of EHR Implementation, Great Expressions Dental Centers
Daniel Smelter, Director of Business Analysis, Benevis, Inc.
Register now to reserve your spot! We hope you can join us.
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: August 31st, 2016 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances, In the News, Public Policy | Tags: CBS News, CNN, Controlled Substances, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances, EPCS, International Overdose Awareness Day, Opioid Epidemic, Opioid Prescriptions, Opioids, Overdose Awareness Day, PDMPs, Shatterproof, State Mandates, Time Magazine | No Comments »
International Overdose Awareness Day
To some, this day may not mean much, but to others, it is a day to commemorate and remember loved ones that we lost as a result of overdose. Unfortunately, these fatal occurrences are in large part due to a horrible, stigmatized and chronic illness: addiction.
While there has been widespread media attention for how addiction “should†be categorized as outlined in the latest New York Times article, addiction, specifically with opioids, is still viewed as a moral failing, a flaw, even. The associated stigma often deters patients from receiving proper rehabilitation treatment and even if they do seek treatment, the government currently limits the number of patients a single provider may treat with drugs such as buprenorphine or methadone, which are both proven to reduce cravings and save lives. This leads to many patients relapsing.
Physicians, internists, and dentists are collectively responsible for providing 81.6% of opioid prescriptions in the United States and because of this, they have a very unique role in mitigating the impact of this opioid epidemic. Opioid addiction often starts at the hands of healthcare professionals simply trying to do their job, prescribing pain medications to relieve their patients of painful woes, especially during post-operative recovery.
While many prescriptions are meant for initial, short-term treatment, some doctors and dentists authorize refills time and time again because they want to help patients whom claim that they are still in pain. However, when the pill bottle and refills run out, these patients are left high and dry; looking for alternatives to create that euphoric escape they’ve become so accustomed to. This could mean an endless search of several different doctors to prescribe more substances (also known as doctor shopping), purchasing pills on the black market, or worse, turning to heroin as a cheaper and more readily available alternative.
As the Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, reiterates in his recent letter to all of America’s doctors, many prescribers don’t realize how dangerous the drugs can be, or even how addictive they are because many were incorrectly taught that opioids are not addictive when prescribed for legitimate pain. Dr. Murthy further points out that overdose deaths from opioids have quadrupled since 1999 and pain medication prescriptions have risen to the point that there’s enough for every American adult to have their own bottle of pills. It’s a fair statement that the majority of clinicians do not enter the healthcare industry with intent to harm their patients, yet it’s also fair to say that lack of proper education has further fueled these prescribing patterns.
So, who’s to blame here? Is it the prescribers? The pharmaceutical companies’ aggressive marketing tactics in the 1990’s? Learned behaviors? The demands and expectations from patients?
The truth of the matter is: no one is to blame. Blaming only diverts the necessary explication of collectively coming together as a nation to address this epidemic. The imperative solution is education.
Dr. Murthy also addresses in his letter that now is the time for clinicians to properly educate themselves on how to treat pain safely and effectively and screen patients for opioid use disorder and provide them with helpful resources and evidence-based treatment options. Furthermore, to shape how the rest of the country sees addiction, clinicians should shamelessly speak about it and start treating it as a chronic illness.
As a part of this ongoing education initiative, DoseSpot will be hosting a webinar in regards to the opioid epidemic that will include helpful tips and resources to stay ahead of this crisis. Stay tuned for more details.
Sources: Time; CNN; Time; Aetna; Surgeon General Letter; Shatterproof; CBS News
About DoseSpot:
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit
Posted: August 25th, 2016 | Author: Shauna | Filed under: Basics, Controlled Substances, Dental, In the News, Security | Tags: Controlled Substances, Dental, Dental e-Prescribing, dental practice management, DoseSpot, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing controlled substances, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Software, EPCS, healthIT, Opioid Epidemic, Opioids | No Comments »

In our last installment of the Insider Threat series, we look to fellow dentists within a dental practice as a potential risk for prescription fraud. How, or better yet why, would a dentist commit such a crime if they are lawfully allowed to authorize prescriptions for their patients? With the opioid epidemic upon us, it’s an unfortunate reality that individuals dealing with a substance abuse issue will go to great lengths to obtain such substances. These drugs do not discriminate regardless of one’s socioeconomic status and sadly, that includes those whom are meant to help combat this crisis: dentists and doctors.
Dr. Joseph Gorfien, a partner at a dental practice in Florida, utilized a fellow dentist’s professional license information and paper prescription pad to forge and fill prescriptions for Oxycodone without his partner’s knowledge. Gorfien took advantage of not only his own position’s authority, but his partner’s as well.
Dr. Mark Horowitz, although being investigated for a multitude of bad behaviors, had a suspended license and decided to utilize a fellow dentist’s prescription pad to obtain 130 pills of Oxycodone for personal use. The dentist in which he stole from only worked in that particular office one day per week and left his prescription pad readily available for anyone to swipe. Horowitz forged the prescriptions as well as the other dentist’s signature.
If a dentist is not utilizing another dentist’s DEA number for their own personal or financial gain, they may be abusing the professional relationships with those that they employ. Dr. Maurice Zybler, a dentist in Massachusetts, was recently accused of fraud because he was using his employees to acquire pain medications for more than a decade. He used his ability as a dentist to prescribe pain killers for his own personal use and wrote fraudulent prescriptions in his employee’s names in which they would fill and return back to him. If they didn’t fill the prescriptions, they expected to be fired.
 Click here to learn more about e-Prescribing and start saving time and money today!
While most dentists are generally aware of potential theft of DEA numbers or prescription pads from patients or staff, they may not question their equivalent peers. A recent survey conducted by Dentist’s Money Digest, further proves this state of ignorance. Nearly one in three dentists claim that they are personally aware of a dentist colleague with a painkiller problem and 65% said they see opioid abuse as a “minor†problem, while another 28% said it is a “significant, but not pressing†issue.
“However, dentists’ roles in the opioid epidemic extend beyond the prescription pad. Many dentists end up addicted themselves. Addiction can stem from stress, personal issues, or simply the access healthcare workers have to such drugs.â€Â Dentist Money Digest
The role of dentists, or any healthcare provider for that matter, within this opioid epidemic is crucial to the success of overcoming this crisis. Not only should dentists consider establishing office policies that can prevent or mitigate the diversion of opioids, but should also partake in ongoing education initiatives regarding responsible practices for prescribing such substances. With colleagues suffering from their own substance abuse issues, assistance, respect and understanding should be of utmost priority, regardless of any role within a dental practice and especially with the perceived stigma associated with addiction.
As part of these policies, dentists should consider e-Prescribing as a beneficial tool to safeguard their prescriptions from patients, staff and fellow dentists. Since e-Prescribing requires the entry of two unique passcodes for controlled substances, it will diminish the element of risk pertaining to stolen prescription pads and DEA numbers that are left out in the open for anyone to take. Furthermore, e-Prescribing is a proven method to help curb the opioid dilemma relative to doctor shopping and places a checks and balances system on prescribing behaviors. The benefits are exceedingly visible and with 3-9% of opioid abusers using forged written prescriptions, it’s a commonsense solution.
We hope you enjoyed our Insider Threat series and that it has given you informative, yet eye-opening insight into the potential threats your dental practice may harbor. This is not to say that employees or dentists cannot be trusted, but with 58% of dentists falling victim to prescription fraud, a change must occur for the safety and wellbeing of a dental practice, as well as their patients.
Sources: University of Kentucky;; SunSentinel; prweb; Dentist’s Money Digest
About DoseSpot
DoseSpot is a Surescripts certified e-Prescribing platform specifically designed to integrate with electronic health record, electronic dental record, practice management and telehealth software. DoseSpot is certified to e-Prescribe controlled substances and has provided simple, affordable and integratable e-Prescribing solutions to healthcare IT companies since 2009. For more information, please visit