Meaningful Use: Stage 1 vs. Stage 2
Posted: July 10th, 2013 | Author: DoseSpot | Filed under: Basics, Dental, In the News, Incentives, Public Policy, Standards | Tags: core objective, DoseSpot, e-Prescribing, e-Prescribing Integration, e-Prescribing Software, EHR, EHR software, meaningful use | No Comments »With Stage 2 right around the corner many EHRs, physicians, dentists, and other ‘eligible professionals’ are seeking guidance. So here it is! Today’s blog post features a Stage 1 vs. Stage 2 Comparison Table for 3 Meaningful Use Core Objectives.
More comparisons are coming…stay tuned!
….Congrats to last week’s DoseSpot #TuesdayTweetup winner @jasmith1437 and runner up @techydoc.
Stage 1 Objective: CPOE
Use CPOE for medication orders directly entered by any licensed healthcare professional who can enter orders into the medical record per state, local and professional guidelines
Stage 1 Measure:Â CPOE
More than 30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list seen by the EP have at least one medication order entered using CPOE
Stage 2 Objective:Â CPOE
Use computerized provider order entry (CPOE) for medication, laboratory and radiology orders directly entered by any licensed healthcare professional who can enter orders into the medical record per state, local and professional guidelines
Stage 2 Measure:Â CPOE
More than 60% of medication, 30% of laboratory, and 30% of radiology orders created by the EP during the EHR reporting period are recorded using CPOE
Stage 1 Objective: e-Prescribing
Generate and transmit permissible prescriptions electronically (eRx)
Stage 1 Measure:Â e-Prescribing
More than 30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list seen by the EP have at least one medication order entered using CPOE
Stage 2 Objective:Â e-Prescribing
Generate and transmit permissible prescriptions electronically (eRx)
Stage 2 Measure:Â e-Prescribing
More than 50% of all permissible prescriptions written by the EP are compared to at least one drug formulary and transmitted electronically using Certified EHR Technology
Stage 1 Objective: Record Demographics
Record demographics: Preferred language, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Date of birth
Stage 1 Measure:Â Record Demographics
More than 50% of all unique patients seen by the EP have demographics recorded as structured data
Stage 2 Objective:Â Record Demographics
Record demographics: Preferred language, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Date of birth
Stage 2 Measure:Â Record Demographics
More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the EP have demographics recorded as structured data
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