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Charting the next steps for e-prescribing policy

Posted: January 26th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Public Policy | 2 Comments »

When e-prescribing first figured in the health policy scene in 2003, policymakers viewed it as a “low-hanging fruit” among myriad IT initiatives aimed at pushing doctors to convert their charts to electronic formats.

Hopes were high because e-prescribing was seen to provide immediate benefits that could greatly improve the delivery of quality health care and speed up the migration to electronic health records.

Although major progress has been made in improving the functionality and interoperability of e-prescribing, recent studies have pointed out that fewer than one in ten doctors have adopted the electronic system.

Several hurdles need to be tore down to make e-prescribing “truly interoperable” and produce the national-scale effects on prescription drug use that were originally envisioned,” health policy analysts reported in the recent issue of Health Affairs journal.

“If current trends continue, e-prescribing still represents a step toward reaping the benefits of IT and automated decision support in health care on a national scale,” they said.

The report was written by Maria Friedman and Anthony Schueth, executives of two separate e-health strategy and management firm in Maryland and Florida, and Douglas Bell, a RAND research scientist and associate professor in the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The trio recommended five policy points that will likely affect increased adoption and interoperability of e-prescribing: moving beyond incentive scheme, making a stronger business case, increasing stakeholders’ involvements, addressing issues of privacy and security, and pilot-testing and industry collaboration.

The current incentive scheme to adopt and use e-prescribing will “help get user adoption beyond its current nascent point,” researchers said, but pointed out that payments alone are not enough.

They cited the Southeastern Michigan e-Prescribing Initiative (SEMI), which suggested that for every $5 spent on incentives, $1 should be invested on user training and education.

Return on investment (ROI) should be clearly quantified for adopters, they said, but added that the value, as distinct from ROI, should also be made at it can be more convincing than ROI numbers alone.

For example, e-prescribing could improve nurses’ work life by eliminating after-hour prescription follow-up, while pharmacists can have more time to deal with patients instead of handling prescription callbacks.

“Value also can be created by adding clinical content or links to e-prescribing for data to improve the quality of patient care, such as laboratory tests or results,” the researchers said.

They also called for the increased involvement of stakeholders. For instance, independent pharmacies in rural areas tend to lack the ability to receive and process e-prescriptions, or if they do, they might not use all features because of concern over transaction fees.

Payers likewise need to make their formularies readily available for use in e-prescribing so doctors can choose less costly alternatives for their patients.

Meanwhile, privacy and security issues have slowed down efforts to expand the use and interoperability of health IT.

Policymakers have been debating whether to expand the 1996 Health Information Portability and Accountability Act to include other entities in the e-prescribing chain beyond prescribers, payers, and pharmacies

“Considerable attention continues to be paid to ensuring the authentication of users, the integrity of prescriptions, and the privacy and security of personal health information that passes through the e-prescribing networks,” the researchers said.

They also said that one of the most valuable lessons learned from HIPAA implementation is the need for pilot-testing before standards are made, saying that even small pilot studies yield valuable results in creating metrics or demonstrating value and ROI.

“The e-prescribing industry has been collaborative in pilot-testing e-prescribing implementations and tweaking standards. The expectation is that this will continue, along with federal funding for larger-scale endeavors,” they said.

For more information:
Friedman MA, Schueth A, Bell DS. Interoperable electronic prescribing in the United States: a progress report. Health Aff (Millwood). 2009 Mar-Apr;28(2):393-403.

2 Comments on “Charting the next steps for e-prescribing policy”

  1. 1 Alan said at 4:51 am on March 26th, 2010:

    “They cited the Southeastern Michigan e-Prescribing Initiative (SEMI), which suggested that for every $5 spent on incentives, $1 should be invested on user training and education.”

    It always comes down to training when software is complex and difficult to use. Instead of spending that dollar on training get out into the field to get feedback from users to improve the user interface so that training is not needed. The end users already know how to prescribe and that knowledge just needs to be transferred to the software so that the transition from paper to e-prescribing is seamless.

  2. 2 George Getty III said at 10:17 am on March 26th, 2010:

    That’s an excellent point.

    Finding or creating software that is easy to use is a key part of a successful e-prescribing deployment. I would also say that training is important as well – so that people become comfortable with the system before they have to use it.

    Thanks for your feedback,

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